Jesus Charged with 23 Felony Counts
after Little Boy Forced to Live under His Frock
Via Air Polonia, the best Live Journal written by an American living in Poland. Uh, yes, he's my brother . . . what's your point?
This is an Easter Card that was being sold at the post office here in Poland. As I have noted, Easter is the Big Dance, the World Series, The Super Bowl of Catholicism and if you count the feet on Jesus then you will realize that he would have been able to hit the game winning home run, [hit] a buzzer beater and thrown the immaculate reception all at once with that kind of physical advantage. Imagine the uproar..."Republicans seek to preserve the sanctity of Jesus' extra legs" "EXPOSED! JESUS' SECRET TO WALKING ON WATER: EXTRA FEET" "THE FEET THAT WOULD CHANGE THE NEXT 2000 YEARS — WE'VE GOT THE EXPLOSIVE PHOTOS HERE!!" or perhaps it would have been more like, "Jesus Christ — Son of Man or Four-Legged Freaky Alien? We report, you decide"