What Will Dick and George Buy?
The NY TImes reports today that Dick and George saved a total of $110,0000 on their taxes this year. Based on a report by Citizens for Tax Justice, located in PDF form here, we learn that

Nothing says "thank God for upper-end tax cuts" like a good old-fashioned White House Coke-and-Hooker party! As the stock market swirls toward the drain, the president and vice president can sit back and indulge in the sweet, jittery rush of Washington's finest Peruvian blow. Watch that heart, Dick, you crazy, coked-up motherfucker! C'mon, George, you know the rules — car keys in the dish. Tonight, we're celebrating a culture of life — a swingin' life!

Nothing says "fuck you" to terrorists and rogue nations like a big ol' throbbing thermonuclear bulge in your pants. With "mini nukes," robust earth-penetrating weaponry — like the Hummer — isn't just for rich military geeks any more. Even the president of the United States can afford it.

Nothing says, "I might be high on coke and itching to use my new nuclear weapons, but I still love our Lord and Savior" like a fish stick emblazoned with the face of Christ. It's breaded! It's fried! It's fish! It's Jesus!
How will they spend their savings? A few suggestions:President and Mrs. Bush reported $784,219 in total income on their tax return. They paid $207,307 in income tax, $28,846 less than under the pre-Bush tax law. Vice-president and Mrs. Cheney reported $2,173,892 in total income on their tax return. They paid $365,840 in income tax, $81,336 less than under the preBush tax law. In percentage terms, the Bushes paid 12 percent less in income tax due to the President’s tax cuts. The Cheneys paid 18 percent less.
Nothing says "thank God for upper-end tax cuts" like a good old-fashioned White House Coke-and-Hooker party! As the stock market swirls toward the drain, the president and vice president can sit back and indulge in the sweet, jittery rush of Washington's finest Peruvian blow. Watch that heart, Dick, you crazy, coked-up motherfucker! C'mon, George, you know the rules — car keys in the dish. Tonight, we're celebrating a culture of life — a swingin' life!
Nothing says "fuck you" to terrorists and rogue nations like a big ol' throbbing thermonuclear bulge in your pants. With "mini nukes," robust earth-penetrating weaponry — like the Hummer — isn't just for rich military geeks any more. Even the president of the United States can afford it.
Nothing says, "I might be high on coke and itching to use my new nuclear weapons, but I still love our Lord and Savior" like a fish stick emblazoned with the face of Christ. It's breaded! It's fried! It's fish! It's Jesus!