March 8

In fall 1781, English soldiers forced the Munsee from their homes and herded them into a poorly-supplied camp. They accused the Moravian missionaries of supplying intelligence to the Americans to the east. By February, however, many of the captives were determined to return to their villages to harvest the corn they had planted the previous season. Upon their return they were confronted by a group of 160 Pennsylvania militiamen, who -- unbeknownst to the Munsee -- had already killed and dismembered one their fellow tribesman not far from Gnadenhutten. One Indian witness to the killing was himself murdered in his canoe as he tried to escape; another succumbed to shock and was unable to warn the other villages of the approaching danger.
On 7 March, the militia arrived in Gnadenhutten and persuaded the Munsee to relocate closer to Pittsburgh. After disarming them, the Americans accused the Munsee of raiding frontier villages, killing American settlers, and absconding with their property. The fact that the Munsee were culturally assimilated actually hurt their cause -- the militia refused to believe they had acquired their English goods lawfully. The next morning, 96 captives were executed with coopers’ mallets; all the bodies were scalped, including one of two young boys who managed somehow to survive the massacre. Of the 96 killed that day, 39 were children. The militia followed up the massacre by burning Gnadenhutten to the ground.
Labels: american indians, massacres